Friday 16 December 2011

Tired... ill... can't sleep.

So I do what I always do when I can't sleep (what the hell, when did it get to 6:45am - I have work at 9 o clock - I'm up in an hour) Anyway, as I was saying. Ah yes... insomnia. So I often just find something useless to pass the time and help me vent my boredom. It usually involves writing actually so blogging is very close. I just finished reading a friends novel actually, it was amazing and I think that's what caused me to not sleep in the first place, I decided I would get to the end tonight, which took longer than I thought, now coughing and sniffling is stopping me from getting to sleep at all. I'm wondering if it's really worth it now. I know one thing; work is going to kill me! It probably would have anyway since I'm ill. But lack of sleep and  health, not a good mixture. After work (and when I say after, I mean straight after) is work's Christmas party/do/night/whatever it is. I've been looking forward to it, lets hope I can stay awake!! Then I have to be up again the next day for work, which is slightly unfair, but hey, It could be worse. I could be really behind with my university assignments.

Oh wait. 

Hey this is nice. I don't complain this much usually *feels better*

On a different note, I was re-reading a fan fiction I once wrote, earlier and I was very annoyed with how badly I had written it! I would re-write the whole thing if I had the time! 

Right now onto some not so complainy stuff! 

meh, I'll do that later, I'm too tired to not complain. (I'm normally really chirpy and happy, I promise! I'm not usually this grumpy)

Peace out!

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